Location: Hospital St. Daroca
Year: 2015
With: Pablo Sebastián, Beatriz Gimeno
Promoter: Comarca Campo de Daroca - Gobierno de Aragón
Installer: Rubio Morte (II) - Renueva (I)

The firts intervention consist of the general lighting of the square above the museum. It reflects the superposition of historical layers below, in different patterns according to the geometry and colour of the archaeological remains: the two celtiberian circular deposits in green, the roman causeway in red, the islamic dwellings in white, and the medieval cave in yellow.
The second intervention consist of the installation of wall lamps as pannels that limit the elevated square. The private presence of near housing is hided by the pannels in some points. The wall elements are moduled as facade pannels, made of corten steel and integrate LAMP linear lamps at the top, blended to light the space below. A recent artistic intervention draw some texts over them, we can understand in the same context as the superposition of different historical writings that built this place.

The third installation consist of the general lighting of the interior space. Its a grid of ring lamps floating in the space, that multiply their effect with the reflection effects, creating a magical atmosphere.

The fourth intervention consist of the recreation of archeological leves in a museographic program to show the remains. The drawings of the archaeologist made during the excavation are translated to the walls, in the same color levels as the reference to historical layers and periods. They show the real size and thickness of this place´s history, as a time scale that allow us to understand the past of time reflected as accumulative matter

The fourth intervention consist of the recreation of archeological leves in a museographic program to show the remains. The drawings of the archaeologist made during the excavation are translated to the walls, in the same color levels as the reference to historical layers and periods. They show the real size and thickness of this place´s history, as a time scale that allow us to understand the past of time reflected as accumulative matter