Year : 2019
With: Alejandro Alda, Pablo Sebastian, Giorgio Bernardi
Photo: © Irene Ruiz Bazán

The main purpose of a dental clinic is to provide us a fantastic smile, symbol of health and happiness

A curved line -a big smile- divides the space in server and served. In the same time Its shape balances the dimensions according to uses, allowing the maximum utilization of this small local.

So that the reception reduces to minimum, in favor of the entrance area, that grows creating a big space for waiting. In the same time, this operation allows the entrance of the natural light and the complete visual relationship with the street.

But going inside the proportions are reversed. The public area is reduced to a strict circulation space, making the medical boxes as big as possible in the same time.

The dark corridor is illuminated by the bright of the smile, a polycarbonate skin that veils the activity inside, conferring to it all the prominence. Reflections in terrazzo polished floors and black colors expand the spatial experience of this narrow space