Location: Moros
Year: 2010
With: Pablo Sebastián
Promoter: Plan Dinamización Turística Comarca Comunidad de Calatayud

Starting from the establishment of an outdoor space, an easy way to perceive the landscape is created, a comfortable and almost domestic place like the balcony of a house, where you can contemplate this characteristic and unique picture: a patchwork of houses which are attached and twinned as a cubist painting, being scattered along the side of the hill to the fertile Manubles Valley.
Usually, observation decks are constructed as places of just passing through, in which we perceive the landscape as a snapshot. This time we try the landscape is a painting, a natural backdrop of a situation in which the user rests, talks, thinks, and relaxes or dreams in the warm winter sunshine.

The observation deck is constructed as a wooden item that folds up to create benches, chairs, information tables and armrests that avoid you to/from the wind action. This observation deck protrudes over the dizzy slope of the land in a clean and natural way. It takes the two main views of this landscape, the village and the valley, split into two elements which each of them looks to each situation through two clear glass balustrades that provide a clean image of the landscape and convey the sense of the dizzy slope to the user.